Connecting Smart Music Cities & Regions / Nachhaltigkeit / Musik2030 / Berliner Veranstaltungswirtschaft

The working groups currently in charge of the Berlin Music Commission are:

  • Working Group Connecting Smart Music Cities and Regions

Set up in 2018, the “Smart Music Cities and Regions” working group has set itself the task of promoting cooperation and exchange in the German music industry and strengthening the visibility of pop culture locally, and at the national level. This includes the exchange of best practice models, for example in relation to cooperation with administration and politics. The focus is as much on the exchange between urban and rural areas as it is on music cities.

Contact:  Olaf Kretschmar

  • Working Group Sustainability

In cooperation with the Economic Senate and the Green Music Initiative, in 2019 the BMC brought together a group of representatives from the fields of business, events and education, and formed a sustainability working group that will follow the topic in the long term.

Contact: Eva Balaban

  • Working Group Music2030

The fall of the Berlin Wall, free spaces and low cost of living shaped Berlin in the 1990s and promoted the creative industry. In order to maintain these framework conditions, which are favorable for the creative industry, and to counter current developments, a working group was founded in 2019 that is dedicated to the continuation of the idea of ​​the Music 2020 campaign.

Contact: Sören Birke

The corona-related lockdown has affected the culture, sports and leisure events industries particularly hard. In order to remain able to act together, the consortium of the Expert-Group Event Industry was formed in spring 2020, which, among other things, has created a guide for the safe implementation of events under COVID-19 conditions.

Contact: Stephan Hengst

If you are interested in working with one of these working groups, please contact the contacts listed under the respective working groups.