1. What is the Berlin Music Commission (BMC)?
The Berlin Music Commission (BMC) was founded in 2007 and has been organised as a cooperative ever since. Its aim is to bundle the interests of Berlin’s music industry, network the players and strengthen the industry’s competitiveness. As a co-operative, the BMC focuses on actively involving its members in the shaping and further development of Berlin’s music landscape and promoting joint projects and initiatives that meet the needs of the industry. At the same time, the BMC also represents the interests of the Berlin music scene at a political level and thus strengthens the entire industry in a national and international context.
2. Who can become a member of the BMC?
Companies and freelancers from all areas of Berlin’s music industry can become members of the Berlin Music Commission (BMC) – from labels, publishers and event organisers to agencies, service providers, collectives and DIY artists. However, the BMC does not see itself as an artist agency and therefore offers neither artist support nor promotion.
3. What are the benefits of BMC membership?
Members benefit from exclusive networking events, information events and practical workshops as well as personalised advice and support on business and legal issues. They also receive access to BMC projects, a GEMA discount and special discounts at selected partner events.
4. How can I become a member of the BMC?
You can apply for membership directly via the BMC website using the ‘Become a member’ button. There you will find all the information about the application process and the required documents. Alternatively, you are welcome to contact us personally.
5. What events does the BMC organise?
The BMC organises events such as networking events, conferences, workshops and the BMC network meeting.
Competence centre
Since 2009, the Berlin Music Commission has organised the BMC Backstage, the networking format for Berlin’s music industry, every two months. From summer 2014, the event, which is popular with members, friends and partners alike, will take on a new direction and open up to other areas of the creative industry. Under the motto ‘Music meets …’, BMC Backstage will focus more strongly on active and sustainable networking with new players and industries.
Many companies in the creative sector continue to operate primarily within the industry and also rely primarily on established contacts and connections for new approaches. The mutual opening up of the various submarkets of the creative industries (fashion, film, design, games, music, books, marketing, etc.) offers enormous economic potential that needs to be tapped into.
BMC Backstage ‘Music meets …’ is an attempt to make this potential visible and utilisable. Each event focusses on one industry segment, and the venue changes accordingly. And because the best ideas are born at the bar, BMC will, as always, provide plenty of drinks, culinary delights and live music afterwards.
Summer Open Air
Mix&Match with Medianet
General Assembly
please check the website for current dates
Musical morning pint
The musical morning pint is a networking breakfast that takes place on the first Wednesday of every month. Participants have the opportunity to exchange ideas and make new contacts in a relaxed atmosphere.
Sprechstunde Musikwirtschaft
The consultation hour is an open network format for exchange, counselling and problem analysis, in which meetings are held at irregular intervals at the request of the actors or according to the network’s need for action. The BMC expanded the programme in 2016. At regular monthly events, experts discuss and answer questions on the topic of ‘activities that add value’. As a rule, the consultation hour takes place on the last Thursday of every month. Any changes to the schedule will be announced in advance.
One of these programmes is the nxtB:now series, a mixture of workshop and think tank – we call it workTank. In a small group, we focus on controversial issues and challenges in order to find new solutions together. We also specifically invite outsiders to gain new perspectives on a topic. All fellow thinkers and dissenters are welcome.
High Noon format with Medianet Polittalk
High Noon is a five-part political series in which the leading candidates from the CDU, SPD, FDP, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and DIE LINKE parties present their plans for Berlin’s media, creative, music and digital industries in the coming legislative period. The politicians will answer questions from Jeannine Koch (media:net berlinbrandenburg e.V.) and Olaf Kretschmar (Berlin Music Commission). The format gives the parties the opportunity to present their perspectives directly.
Sustainability Knowledge Hub
The ‘Sustainability Knowledge Hub’ project is an initiative of the Berlin Music Commission, funded by the Initiative Musik. It aims to create a real-time laboratory for sustainable development within the German music industry. Our activities include workshops, expert sessions, comprehensive sustainability analyses and regular webinars aimed at promoting knowledge transfer and implementing practical sustainability measures.
Working groups
The expertise and relevance resulting from the interaction of different players and entrepreneurs in the industry is indispensable. The development and provision of this expertise for the transformation processes takes place at the BMC in working groups (AK). The network’s working groups have become crucial for the development of the music industry, as nowhere else can the topics and needs of the companies themselves be transmitted more authentically, quickly and in a more condensed form. In some working groups, over 60 companies have to be coordinated, transformation concepts are developed and press releases are sent out continuously. The activities of the actors in the working groups are carried out on a voluntary basis, but the organisational and communication effort has increased exorbitantly and must be covered by the office with higher personnel costs. In addition, the AḰs require financial support to realise, communicate and communicate the results of their work.
Specialist group for the event industry
- The specialist group is a permanent group of around 50 entrepreneurs from the event industry in Berlin who continue to meet regularly in a working group and work at both state and federal level to influence political decisions in the interests of the ailing industry. The specialist group consists of festival, tour and concert organisers, hall operators, agencies, theatres, clubs as well as individual self-employed event and production managers and other service providers.
- Sustainability working group
In cooperation with the Senate of Economics and the Green Music Initiative, the BMC brought together a group of representatives from the fields of business, events and education in 2019 to form a sustainability working group that will pursue the topic in the long term.
This working group offers advice and recommendations on sustainability for all music stakeholders in Berlin and is aimed at stakeholders in the music industry who are willing to actively promote the implementation of sustainability practices in their day-to-day business. We want to provide insights and in-depth information about sustainability activities in the music industry and work together on future-proof structures.
In view of the increasingly dramatic impact of the music industry on climate change, we feel compelled to hold both large and small music events to account and encourage them to rethink and ultimately take action. We demand that the music events in question switch their production to sustainable measures before climate change can no longer be stopped.
Music production and consumption have a responsibility for the consequences of our actions. The first steps have already been taken, but they are far from enough. In close cooperation with various players in the music industry, we are striving for entrepreneurial reorganisation and reorientation and are also available to provide advice.
Music 2030 working group
The Music 2030 working group deals with the strategic development of Berlin as a music location, the necessary transformation processes in the industry and co-operation with state and federal politics. The identified needs for action and solution models for industry development are made available to politicians, for example, in order to jointly develop a basis for corresponding business development models. Together with media:net Berlin Brandenburg 2021, the working group has developed HIGH NOON, a format for dialogue between state politics and the creative industries, and has held six events with a very positive response.
- Label & Publishing working group
- Roundtables with partners such as ImPuls Brandenburg e.V
- Clubs of Heroines (MusicBwomen*)
Most Wanted Music
Launched in 2014 as part of the Berlin Music Week conference programme, MOST WANTED: MUSIC (MW:M) is now the most important event for the professional music and creative industries in Berlin. The goals: To promote practical expertise, stimulate networking and exchange and develop new perspectives and business models for the industry. In results-orientated workshops, panels, talks and matchmaking sessions, the MW:M #convention is dedicated to the most relevant topics of the moment and offers participants real added value. For you, your company and your partners.
Further information about the conference programme, exhibitors and other events can be found on the MW:M official website.
In 2019, the conference was expanded to include the MW:M Live showcase event.
Listen To Berlin
Every year, the BMC calls for entries to find the latest music and release it on this unique compilation. Berlin artists, labels and publishers are encouraged to submit their music for the chance to be immortalised on a unique production. An annually appointed jury of experts from the large network selects the artists for the album. The basic prerequisite for participation is that the music is contemporary and that the artists live in Berlin and are therefore connected to the capital.
Listen To Berlin Live
The artists of the Listen To Berlin compilation are offered a platform to perform with Listen To Berlin Live. In 2024, there were events as part of the Carnival of Cultures, Day of Democracy, European Championships, in the Messedamm Tunnel and during the IFA.
Listen To Berlin Youth
6. How can I get involved in BMC events or participate as a speaker?
The BMC offers a wide range of opportunities for active participation: interested parties can apply for speaker positions and other commitments via the website or directly on request. You are also welcome to contact us personally, for example at contact@berlin-music-commission.de. There are also regular ‘Calls for Participation’ for exciting projects and initiatives.
7. Does the BMC offer support for start-ups?
The BMC is happy to network start-ups with its members and cordially invites them to take part in our public events and find out about relevant topics.
8. Which projects and initiatives does the BMC support?
The BMC supports projects that promote innovation, sustainability, diversity and equality in the music industry. These include funding projects and initiatives to strengthen the local and national music industry.
Examples include
BV Pop
9. Are there special support programmes for members?
We are not a funding body, but we do provide support with our *Music Ambassador* travel grant programme. We can also issue a letter of intent (LOI) for suitable topics and submit joint funding applications if the projects correspond to our values and objectives.
10. How does BMC support sustainability in the music industry?
The BMC is committed to sustainable practices, e.g. through environmentally conscious event planning and initiatives that promote environmentally friendly solutions. We also have a sustainability manager who is currently working specifically on MW:M certification.
11. How can I contact other members of the BMC?
Members have many opportunities to get in touch with each other: via networking events, our website, where all members are presented, as well as through direct mediation by the BMC.
12. Can I support the BMC in my work?
Yes, the BMC welcomes cooperation and support, for example in the form of partnerships, sponsorship or voluntary involvement in BMC projects and working groups.
13. How do I find out about the next BMC events?
The BMC regularly informs its members about upcoming events by newsletter, on the website and via social media.
14. What does membership cost?
The cost of membership varies depending on the size and type of company. Details on membership fees can be found on the BMC website and in our membership fee regulations.
15. How can I contact BMC?
You can contact BMC by e-mail, telephone or via the contact form on the BMC website. You are also welcome to contact us personally or send an e-mail to contact@berlin-music-commission.de.
16. When should you contact the BMC?
The BMC is the right place to go if you are a company or self-employed person in the Berlin music industry and are interested in networking, finding cooperation partners or exchanging information about the latest developments and challenges in the industry. It is particularly worth getting in touch if you are looking for opportunities to expand your network, gain access to expertise and resources or need support in the further development of your projects. The BMC also offers suitable platforms and networks if you want to raise issues at a political level or participate in industry-specific initiatives.
17. What does the BMC do for the city?
The BMC strengthens Berlin as a centre for music and culture by representing the interests of the local music industry and building targeted networks. It promotes joint projects and supports the industry in positioning itself internationally. Through lobbying and the representation of common concerns at a political level, the BMC advocates for the general conditions of the music industry, which benefits the city as a whole. It also supports events and projects that showcase Berlin’s creative diversity and attract both locals and visitors. In this way, the BMC contributes to the cultural and economic vitality of the city.
18. What is BMC doing for young talent?
The BMC promotes the younger generation by developing projects and programmes that facilitate access to the music industry. It organises events where young talents and newcomers can gain valuable insights into the industry and learn directly from experienced professionals. The BMC often offers special workshops, panels or mentoring programmes aimed at up-and-coming talent, helping them to make contacts and find their way in the music landscape. In this way, the BMC supports young people in creating a basis for a professional future in the music industry.
Listen to Berlin Youth
Listen to Berlin Compilation
19. How can I get involved with the BMC as a young person?
As a young person, you can get involved with BMC by taking part in its events, networking events and workshops that are specifically open to young talent. BMC often offers opportunities to get involved in projects or gain hands-on experience in mentoring programmes. If you want to get involved in the long term, membership could be an option if you are already active in the industry. Otherwise, it also helps to take part in events that make it easier for you to enter the music scene and offer you a platform to exchange ideas with industry experts and like-minded people. Please subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date on BMC projects.