Sprechstunde Musikwirtschaft “How to: Perform in the Metaverse!”

Das Metaverse und die zahlreichen Möglichkeiten des Web3 sind auf Twitter Foren wie Facebook Posts ein viel besprochenes Thema. 27 Millionen Spieler konnten das “Astronomical” Konzert von Travis Scott im Jahre 2020 bei Fortnite an mehreren Tagen bestaunen. Doch seit den letzten Jahren bieten zahlreiche Indie Entwickler Optionen für DJ und Livemusik im Metaverse an.

Am 09.11. hielten Thor Hagedorn und Luana Madikera von der IRL- und Metaverse Eventfirma Diasporic Arts Alliance und der Tropical Bass Band La Byle als Teil der Most Wanted: Music einen Talk/ Workshop zum Thema “Creating Metaverse Experiences” und gingen auf ihre Erfahrungen mit Metaverse Konzerten ein.

The metaverse and the many possibilities of Web3 are a much discussed topic on Twitter forums and Facebook posts. 27 million players were able to marvel at Travis Scott’s “Astronomical” concert in 2020 on Fortnite over several days. But for the past few years, numerous indie developers have been offering DJ and live music options in the Metaverse.

On 09.11, Thor Hagedorn and Luana Madikera from IRL and Metaverse event company Diasporic Arts Alliance and Tropical Bass Band La Byle gave a talk/workshop on “Creating Metaverse Experiences” as part of Most Wanted: Music and went into their experiences with Metaverse concerts.

Building on this, the Music Business Talk session “How to: Perform in the Metaverse!” on 17/11/2022 at 10am. Here Christine Seraphin (Diasporic Arts Alliance) and Thor Hagedorn (DAA, La Byle) addressed what basic knowledge, technology and metaverse might be right for you.

Sprechstunde Musikwirtschaft “Awarenessarbeit im Eventmanagement: Wie können wir sicherer Orte schaffen?”

How to make clubs, bars, music venues etc. a safer place where everyone feels more comfortable as an actor in the night culture, we worked out together with Johanna Bauhus (Safe the Dance; Ladies&Ladys Label) in the consultation session “Awareness work in event management: How can we create safer places?” on Thursday, 27 October from 10 am.

Sprechstunde Musikwirtschaft “Parenthood in Music”

Long and irregular working hours, touring, and insecure working conditions – working in the music industry is often difficult to reconcile with family life. Parenthood is still one of the main reasons for inequality in the workplace and often leads to mothers and single parents not holding management positions or changing the industry. In the Music Industry Talk Hour “Family-Friendly Companies – Improving Working Conditions for Parents” on Thursday, 29.09. from 10.00 a.m., Marit Posch and Steffi von Kannemann (Parenthood in Music) talked about how we can make the music industry more family-friendly – and thus also contribute to the attractiveness of jobs.

Jury Meeting Listen to Berlin: Awards & Listen to Berlin: Compilation 2022

On September 12, the jury of the Listen to Berlin Awards and Listen to Berlin Compilation 2022 met.

Sprechstunde Musikwirtschaft “How to: Playlist-Pitching”

In the Sprechstunde Musikwirtschaft “How to: Playlist Pitching” on Thursday, September 1, Jörg Peters and Eleni Zafiriadou (recordJet) explained how participants can improve their chances of getting into the lists and answered questions about playlist pitching.

Job Offer: Projectcoordinator / Event manager (f/m/d) for MW:M Live Showcase festival (freelance) from now on

Berlin Music Commission sucht Community Manager*in (m/w/d) ab sofort

HIGH NOON with Senator Stephan Schwarz

On 02.09.2022, our HIGH NOON political series took place with Senator Stephan Schwarz at Factory Berlin.

Consulation Music Business “Stress management in everyday working life”

How can we learn to manage stress better? And how do we actually recognize when it’s too much? These were the questions we addressed in the online music industry talk “Coping with Stress in the Workday” on Thursday, June 30, starting at 10 a.m. with Michael Wecker (MiM – Mental Health in Music).