
listen to berlin: Awards – Shortlist of nominees 2021

listen to berlin: Awards – Shortlist of nominees 2021

No serious change of perspective yet in the fight against the Corona pandemic

No serious change of perspective yet in the fight against the Corona pandemic



BMC Summer Open Air

BMC Summer Open Air on 11th August 2021.

Plans of the Berlin Parties for the Berlin Music Industry: Answers to the “Wahlprüfsteine”

What are the plans of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, CDU, DIE LINKE, FDP & SPD for Berlin’s music and creative industries in the next legislative period? The answers to the “Wahlprüfsteine” for the election to the 19th Berlin House of Representatives 2021.

Most Wanted: Music 2021 – Changes in Berlin

Most Wanted: Music 2021 #change – 26-28. October Kulturbrauerei and online

Call for nominations ltb:Awards

Urgent! Head of Marketing / Marketing Manager / Programme Manager for MW:M – freelance

#jobs Head of Marketing / Marketing Manager / Programme Manager for MW:M 2021 gesucht – freelance

Consultation Music Business “Time management and other soft skills in the home office”

In this consulting event on 22.04.2021 Lucy Larbi (borisgloger consulting) talked about time management and other soft skills in the home office.

BMC Consortium of the Berlin event industry criticises “Notbremse”-law

This entry is only available in German.