Teleporter Music


Stephan Hengst

Teleporter Music serves as an agency for artist management, artist development, artist promotion and label services.

Stephan Hengst who is the owner and initiator of the company, mentioned above, founded Teleporter Music in 2010 and is currently directing management matters of the Berlin based singer/songwriter duo Berge as well as the Indierock Band Untertagen from Aschaffenburg.

Besides, Stephan Hengst works as a freelancer for several clients. Since 2011 he is project manager at the Berlin Music Commission and since 2013 he is operation manager for the Tech Open Air Berlin.

Last but not least Stephan is associate professor for music marketing and -management at the Macromedia University of Applied Sciences plus tutor and consultant at Music Pool Berlin.

In der Willner Brauerei
Berliner Straße 80-8
13189 Berlin

T +49 (0)30 22 43 22 95

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